Campaign to Impeach Judge Jane Gallina-Mecca

Bandy X. Lee
5 min readJun 27, 2024


A Judge who Destroys Lives as a Sport Continues because She Can, and No One Has Held Her Accountable — until Now

What is worse than seeing your child taken to have inflicted against it the worst form of torture possible? Being taunted that this is for “the best interests of the child” — with an immense judicial authority to “fix” the case, so that the whole world not only does not believe you but turns against you. It is the reverse of the usual judicial process, where evidence guides decision making; here, the predetermined decision guides what “evidence” to concoct. The misnomer, “Family Court,” misleads the public into believing it is a court of law, when it is in truth an Anti-Court unhinged from the law and currently the worst crime cartel on U.S. soil. It commits the most egregious psychological crimes against humanity, intended to break loving parents as the lives they gave birth to are destroyed before they can even bud. It comprises the most vicious and sadistic, evil act a human being can conceive of or commit. For the child, almost anything can be endured if a loving parent is by their side, but not only is one being sent to one’s torture, rape, and murder, but the loving parent is taken away. Hence, it kills a child’s soul before killing it physically, and even if one survives, one grows to become the walking dead. This brutality is being committed all across America and being exported to the rest of the world, as a formula for human trafficking and a modern-day slave trade. The fact that the abuses of judicial authority and the betrayals of public trust are simply too extreme for the ordinary mind to grasp actually helps their perpetuation. Those with any heart either resign or are ousted from Family Court, and those who try to expose these atrocities are either threatened or killed. These are the methods of Judge Jane Gallina-Mecca, and now her victimized litigants are bravely rising up. They are determined to get her impeached. Please help their extraordinary efforts, and sign the below petition, at this link.

Petition to Impeach Judge Jane Gallina-Mecca

Started by M B

We are more than 30 mothers (and one father) who are in enormous pain, as our children have undeservedly become victims of a system that was designed to protect them. Judge Jane Gallina-Mecca of Bergen County, New Jersey, is at the epicenter of our grievance, as she has egregiously mismanaged each of our cases, resulting in our children being trafficked to their abusers. The Judge’s abuses of authority have created unimaginable horrors for many families.

It is said that the judiciary forms the backbone of our society, sworn to uphold justice and protect our rights. The Judge’s repeated failure to conduct thorough investigations, failure to hold violent abusers accountable, but rather rewarding them with sole custody of their victims, child support payments, and no obligations to the parent who raised these children has turned our lives into living nightmares.

The issues are not isolated and reflect a larger, egregious pattern of abuses of authority. We reached out to renowned forensic psychiatrist, Dr. Bandy X. Lee, M.D., who had the following to say:

“As a specialist in dangerous personalities, I must alert against a predatory personality pretending to be a judge and devouring the lives of innocent children and adults. She is running an exploitative operation of stealing children from healthy and successful parents to ‘sell’ them to their abusers, who are often their rapists, batterers, and attempted murderers. She seemingly drags out cases only to maximize harm and to induce ‘trauma bonding’ (separating children from their primary caregiver and isolating them in a life-or-death situation with their abuser, so that they cling helplessly to the latter to stay alive).

“Judicial immunity was never meant to be impunity. As an expert witness for the courts for twenty-five years, I have encountered hundreds of judges — but never have I met a judge so outlandish in treating everyone with disdain, who dehumanizes litigants to dangerous degrees, and who treats clear-cut evidence and qualified witnesses with such contempt. She shows respect for no fact or law that interferes with her ability to ‘fix’ her predetermined rulings and to perform what can only be described as show trials.”

We have been wrongly labeled as “disgruntled litigants,” but the desire to protect our children from destruction is only a natural response of loving parents. With great hope, we call on the New Jersey State Legislature to take immediate action, conduct a transparent investigation, and impeach the Judge if found guilty of these crimes. No judge should continue to preside over cases where she can commit atrocities against children and families and remain unaccountable to the law.

We implore fellow Bergen County residents, those affected by similar judicial negligence, and empathic citizens across the country to support us in our plight. Please sign this petition to help us remove this Judge from her position and to protect our children and families.

Please sign the critical above petition, at this link.

I believe I can speak for the litigants above, as my own sister had a case with the above judge (and Evelyn Nissirios, her principal “foot soldier”). My sister went from being a middle-class parent, lauded throughout the neighborhood and school for being “the best mom,” with her thriving, prodigy children at the pinnacle of health and happiness — to her jealous and murderously violent husband abruptly kidnapping them, under the auspices of a criminal “Family Court,” so that he could hold them hostage and extort six-figure “child support.” The children immediately ceased to grow and are now six to eight inches shorter than the classmates they used to match, are wearing the same clothes for the last three years, and their hepatitis B-positive paternal grandfather is cooking for them, whenever they get to eat (their father used to starve them, even as he himself ate). Yet, the model mother cannot gain access to medical, school, or “therapeutic” records and has not seen or heard from her children for three years, lest the father’s horrific maltreatment of them be exposed. He would not have dared to do any of this without the help of “Judge” Jane Gallina-Mecca — and yet my sister’s case is still better than most others, whose children get sent to their immediate sex trafficking, battery, and murder. This is why I call Family Court an “abuse industry,” where psychopathic, unfit “judges” continue to do with impunity what would warrant the death penalty in some states, if ever investigated (they are not). My sister’s divorce case supposedly ended six weeks ago, but Gallina-Mecca cannot issue an order because she knows that, once she does, she would be stepping on a landmine — and the hell she has been raining down on others will become her lot, for we will not let her get away. How many innocent lives has she condemned to death? Despite her draconian abuse of “court seals,” we already uncovered about a half-dozen. The full number we will find out when she is removed from the bench and enters into discovery for her felony crimes.



Bandy X. Lee
Bandy X. Lee

Written by Bandy X. Lee

Forensic psychiatrist, violence expert, president of the World Mental Health Coalition (, and New York Times bestselling author.

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