Evelyn Nissirios — Her Criminal Charges will Soon be Heard!

Bandy X. Lee
4 min readJun 14, 2024


On June 17, 2024, She and the Violently Abusive Father She Co-Conspired with will Appear for Their Criminal Charges

Time: 9:30 a.m. on Monday, June 17, 2024

Place: Franklin Lakes Municipal Court

Address: 480 De Korte Drive, Franklin Lakes, NJ 07417

This is a monumental event, since in Family Court, criminals are exonerated and innocent people are incriminated as a rule. It is because Family Court personnel themselves are largely criminals, covering up a racketeering industry of child kidnapping, sex trafficking, and pornography production. Those who do not go along with this criminal enterprise pretending to be a court — those with a conscience — are ousted. Family Court abuse of discretion is so severe, it has become the one “court” that is unhinged from the law — an Anti-Court — and one of the worst Crime Cartels on U.S. soil. Evelyn Nissirios is a representative player in this enterprise, as a serial child predator who has ripped dozens of children from their loving parents to send them to their battery, rape, and torture — in well-oiled, assembly-line style. So many dozens of mothers (and one father) have now shared their stories with me, I could probably predict her next move in almost every, near-identical case. Below is what one mother told me upon seeing pictures of her children she has not seen or heard from in three years:

Here are the most recent photographs of my children, sent to me by other parents. My children are now six to eight inches shorter than their peers who used to be the same size. At the same time, my daughter’s body shape is like a 16-year-old instead of a 12-year-old, because of high stress hormone release. She has been wearing the same clothes and same shoes for the last three years. Both my children were also wearing the same fall jackets in which they were taken in 2021, through all the winters, springs, and falls since (I was never allowed to bring them the new winter coats I bought for them in 2021, nor their birthday gifts and Christmas gifts — since this is how Evelyn Nissirios tortures them). Their father is someone who used to order food for himself but not for the children (once, he ordered several portions, of which they thought some of it was for them, but it turned out to be his future meals!), and when they returned to me they would eat three adult portions. I wonder how they are eating now….

Nissirios kidnapped these children without cause or due process to wholesale hand them over to the father who was on a restraining order for almost killing each of them by head injury and who attempted to murder the mother six times. It does not matter what crime the abuser has committed — rape, battery, attempted murder — under Nissirios, this is the “parent” who is rewarded with custody of the child, in 100 percent of the three dozen or so cases under her that I know of alone. She then sadistically taunts the good parent, enjoying her suffering, while telling her she told the children that the parent abandoned them and no longer loves them. In some states, doing what these depraved and miscreant “court actors” do would earn them the death penalty. Instead, in Family Court they reap 50 to 175 billion dollars a year for their abuses of “absolute judicial immunity” — and in Nissirios’ case, guardianship fraud — to run a modern-day child slave trade.

Nissirios believes herself untouchable, and these criminal charges are minor, but this is only the beginning. When the scandal of Family Courts erupts, it will be bigger than the scandal of the Catholic Church. Just as the Catholic Church abused its religious authority to hide the most hideous crimes against innocent children, so are Family Courts abusing their judicial authority to hide their heinous atrocities against the most vulnerable members of our society — and our most precious resource, our future.

*This is the sixteenth of articles informing of criminal acts of violence against children by Evelyn Nissirios. As long as the child abuse, torture, battery, and rape continue under her criminal co-conspiracy with other violent offenders, and her flaunting of “absolute judicial immunity” continue, these articles will not end. She not only needs to be criminally convicted, but her law license be stripped for committing serial felonies and destruction of children. The Saddle River Board of Education, which has been protecting Nissirios, has been placed on notice, or they will be implicated in her crimes. They are mandated reporters who are criminally neglecting their responsibility to protect children and colluding to shield a child predator. They are already keeping her on illegitimately, after their community voted her out. All these incredible events and more will be uncovered in the near future in a dramatic exposé of three separate books, a documentary, and a television series.



Bandy X. Lee
Bandy X. Lee

Written by Bandy X. Lee

Forensic psychiatrist, violence expert, president of the World Mental Health Coalition (worldmhc.org), and New York Times bestselling author.

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