Evelyn Nissirios — My Mandated Warning Letter to the Saddle River School Board President

Bandy X. Lee
4 min readJan 12, 2024


As a Mandated Reporter, I am Legally Required to Continue Reporting, Warning, and Protecting until the Child Abuse Stops

Legalized kidnapping” and child abuse for profit through the Family Courts, affecting tens of thousands of children per year, are increasingly coming to light. State-sanctioned child abuse relies on “officers of the court,” such as Evelyn Nissirios, who exploit oversight loopholes and escape prosecution by aggressively promoting “absolute judicial immunity” — a ludicrous concept, since the U.S. Constitution guarantees that no one is above the law. This makes the job of a mandated reporter of child abuse very challenging. At least a half-dozen loving parents whose children Nissirios unconstitutionally abducted and sent to their torture for lucrative returns, reached out to me in response to my public writing. Here is just one case:

That Nissirios as “the children’s guardian ad litem” only worked for the moneyed child predator was apparent from the degree to which she had to perjure herself — over 177 documented times in one case, as reported to the police under prosecutor review. When the children asked to talk outside the earshot of their father, who continuously eavesdropped and threatened them with police and jail if they said the “wrong” thing, she refused. When the children started vomiting and becoming immobile with panic before visiting, in their words, “the scariest person” with a “black heart,” she increased their visits with him. When these children became suicidal, injured themselves, and tried to set the house on fire because going to their father was, in their words, “torture” and “worse than death,” she wholesale helped him kidnap them through a violent police raid. Now, he has them full-time, and the mother has not seen or heard from them in two and a half years, even though he is the one with a history of a restraining order for almost killing them, not the mother. In order to achieve this illegal “custody switch,” Nissirios buried ten psychiatric evaluations reporting the father as a danger and the mother as fit, medical records of the father’s near-lethal injuries to his children and his wife, photographic evidence of his abuse, voice recordings of the children describing his abuse, the children’s suicide notes, the children’s attempts to set the house on fire in protest, the children’s emergency room visits for suicide attempts, the children’s emergency follow-up visits after suicide attempts, and the children’s letters to the Court asking to fire her — so that she could imprison them with the man they called, “that maniac!” These children are now rapidly deteriorating medically and academically, but she is now blocking access — including to concerned medical professionals — of all pediatric, psychiatric, and school records, so that only the abusive father has access.

The multiple reports allowed me to confirm a near-identical pattern across cases, including one that has documented Nissirios’ child injury and torture in more than one thousand pages of medical and other documentary evidence, waiting for their day in court.

Many have asked me to publish my original letter to Jon Peros, president of the Saddle River School Board. He ignored my letter but resigned his position with a timing that would circumvent a special election and would give Nissirios a loophole to “step back in” — however offensively to the electorate who could not wait to vote her out, even without the above information, and did. Below is the letter:

February 27, 2023

Re: Concerns Regarding Board Member, Evelyn Nissirios

Dear Mr. Peros:

I am writing to you as a lifelong academic and a great supporter of those who serve and promote education in society.

I do so because I have great concerns regarding a member of your Board, who is Ms. Evelyn Nissirios, [as a] third-party observer of her actions, which have been highly injurious to children. You will also find an affidavit [and a medical report by an author of the United Nations Istanbul Protocol for documenting torture, and consultant to the U.S. Supreme Court, who examined the medical records of children under Ms. Nissirios’ “care” and determined that she is a participant in their state-sponsored torture].

“Legalization” of child abuse does not negate the actual abuse. It is now well-established that childhood maltreatment, or exposure to abuse and neglect as children has devastating lifelong consequences. It increases the risk for mood and anxiety disorders, posttraumatic stress disorder, antisocial and borderline personality disorders, and substance use disorders. It is also associated with several major medical disorders, including heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and cancer. The net effect is a significant reduction in life expectancy.

Future risk can be estimated through Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) scores, and as a result of Ms. Nissirios’ direct interventions, the scores of [these children] jumped from 1 to 6, which forebodes lifelong psychological and physical problems and about two decades of loss of life. These children were of perfect emotional and physical health and were thriving academically prior to Ms. Nissirios’ removal of them from their loving mother to place them with their violent father…. The United Nations Office of the High Commissioner itself recently stated: “the failure to address intimate partner violence and violence against children in custody rights and visitation decisions is … a violation of the human rights to life and security that could amount to torture”….

I am therefore writing to you, because I do not believe that we as a civilized society should tolerate this level of contempt for and torture of our children.

I wish I were contacting you under better circumstances. I cordially thank you for your kind attention and time.

Best regards,

Bandy X. Lee, M.D., M.Div.

*This is the third of a short series of weekly articles devoted to the information I am providing the Saddle River community about a member on its School Board, begun at the request of a local official. Despite the many articles, this is still the tip of the iceberg, and more will be revealed in the upcoming book, Judicial Violence: Anatomy of a Family Court Case. Those who have additional information to share can reach me here. Thank you.



Bandy X. Lee
Bandy X. Lee

Written by Bandy X. Lee

Forensic psychiatrist, violence expert, president of the World Mental Health Coalition (worldmhc.org), and New York Times bestselling author.

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