Evelyn Nissirios — ‘Scrams’ from School Board Meeting, Giving Away Her Guilt
‘She Took Off and Ran’ — ‘It is Like a Dictatorship’
Before a discussion could happen, according to witnesses: “She rushed into her car and took off so fast, it was obvious she was running from something!” These are the latest events regarding Evelyn Nissirios and the controversy surrounding the Saddle River School Board, which held another meeting a few days ago. Nissirios was set to face vehement opposition to her illegitimate clinging to power, despite losing an election, with the statement: “Appointment of Ms. Nissirios remains in protest until the Board can furnish correspondence to/from NJ State BOE confirming their actions were proper, ethical and above board.”
This writing is part of my short weekly series on Nissirios, documenting reports from others, by request. I started as an outside observer, because of an overwhelming response to my article about her saga at the Saddle River School Board, mirroring the inundation of complaints I received from her victims following my writing on her abuses in one Family Court case. Noted here are all fresh accounts on the Saddle River School Board scandal, as I will not repeat what I reported before: such as the Board’s refusal to acknowledge my physician’s mandated report about Nissirios’ predatory acts against children; and chronicles of Nissirios’ potentially unethical and illegal acts while on the Board.
Accounts that report the truth are not defamation, and there is a grave need for discovery and prosecution. Until then, this series can be a depository for wrongful actions, and serve the purpose of the First Amendment in the first place: to fight tyranny.
Troubling signs keep mounting: this time, the School Board meeting ended after only about fifteen minutes. There was an election of president and vice president before the new Board member — Kunal Bhatia — was even sworn in (interestingly, as a result, he could not vote, but Nissirios — the defeated and illegitimately reappointed incumbent — could). After the swearing in, an announcement was made that the Board would be “reading a book” this year. “And then it was over. It is like a dictatorship!”
Community members are at a loss as to how to deal with an out-of-control School Board. This time, they were blindsided and furious that they were dispersed so early, while they were still waiting for the meeting to begin. “I guess they asked if there were any comments in the very beginning, but we were just arriving, and this never happened before — the Board meeting usually lasts hours!”
“The entire Board has got to go,” one outraged parent aired. But the counterpart superintendent and principal of the school, Gina Cinotti, is up for reappointment, and she has been ingratiating herself with the Board. Complaining to the Bergen County Board of Education has been contemplated, but Cinotti “has a family member on the County Board — everyone is in bed with one another!”
I recalled having contacted Cinotti once, which was a surreal experience. Despite the seriousness of my report, she did not respond, either, and did not seem to find the lack of response from the School Board about all the medical evidence I gave them to be extraordinary.
“What is happening here [with the Board] is disturbing, but what we are learning about what is happening to these children is just terrible,” one reader of my articles remarked.
Yet, the public does not know half the story of Nissirios’ destruction of dozens of children by tearing them away from their loving parents for years and imprisoning them with their abusers, for no other reason than a seeming, sadistic delight at others’ suffering — as she flaunts “absolute judicial immunity” as guardian ad litem to fix the results (this “immunity” is currently being challenged, since it is not supposed to cover child abduction, battery, and sexual slavery).
While abuses of elderly guardianship have reached the news, abuses of child guardianship remain hidden, even though the long-term trauma is much more severe, since children are at the beginning, not the end, of their lives. Nissirios is the most extreme among the guardians ad litem I have observed in my twenty-five-year practice of psychiatry, gratuitously torturing the children she forcibly separated from their loving parent, with lies that their loving parent “abandoned” them, no longer loves them, and wishes to have nothing to do with them. What would be sickening for the average person even to imagine is regular, daily practice for Nissirios.
Exasperated expressions of, “How could she show her face?” and “Does she have no shame?” — amid an uproar of angry people saying, “Please step down!” — are therefore understandable. The community members I spoke to accurately assessed that she is not the type to step down — “even if someone put a gun to her head.” If she were capable of this, she would not be committing cruel and heartless acts against innocent children in the first place. This time, I also heard from the mother whose child the Board vindictively and permanently labeled as a “bully” — despite a disproving video and over the objections of the supposedly “bullied” child’s parent.
Nissirios seems to believe that all that matters is power. Apparently in her view, all that will remain of this Board meeting is that a meeting was held, that she was there, and that the longer she simply sits and consolidates power, the harder it will be to oust her. The task of a just and civil society is to stop such depraved abuses of power.
*This is the second of a short series of weekly articles devoted to the information I am receiving about Evelyn Nissirios’ danger to children, written at the request of a local official. This series is separate from my writings about Family Court, of which these events are a replay. All informants and whistleblowers will be kept anonymous for their protection, and I remain willing to testify at any time on the medical information that I have. Those who have other information to share can reach me here.