Letter to the Employer of Alan T. Chan
… Because Employers who Give Millions to Family Court Abusers are Accomplices to Violence
A friend of Patricia Lee, having read my articles, wrote a letter to the employer of her husband — protégé of Jane Gallina-Mecca and partner in crime of Evelyn Nissirios — urging that PSAM should do with Alan T. Chan what Greenberg Traurig has done with Allan Kassenoff: investigate and hold accountable. To remind readers, Allan is the ex-husband of Catherine Kassenoff, a victim of Family Court, which had transferred her three young children to her ex-husband and then barred her from access for over three years for the price of 4 million dollars, which caused unconscionable trauma to the children and the torment and then death of the mother. This scandal brought national attention to the routine human rights-violating practices of Family Courts. Public pressure then forced Greenberg Traurig to investigate and then remove Allan Kassenoff from its ranks to redeem its reputation:
“The firm has concluded its review of the situation to determine Allan Kassenoff’s status with the firm. Our primary obligation is to maintain and protect the core values and best interests of our firm, our clients, our lawyers and our professional staff. Allan has been on a short leave of absence and has now resigned from the firm, effective immediately.”
The letter to Alan T. Chan’s employer is reproduced here with permission, since sunlight seems to be the only antidote to judicial corruption and the human rights crimes of Family Court. Family Court needs to stop being a refuge for domestic abusers, where they can go to hide their crimes and to “DARVO”: Deny, Attack, and Reverse Victim and Offender. Not only that, in Family Court, abusers can kidnap their child victims to hide evidence of their crimes at the same time as extort ransom (e.g., “child support”) for the children they warehoused, hence making money off of their abuse. This is what both Alan and Allan above have tried to do. That Family “Courts”, rather than protecting families, are functioning as criminal organizations to endanger women and children is rapidly becoming an international crisis. Since children are consistently trafficked to the monied party in the United States, employers who pay millions of dollars to the abusive litigator must be informed of their unwitting complicity with this abuse industry and of their contribution to the death and destruction of society’s future.
Dear Mr. Schoenfeld:
Alan T. Chan is a principal in your firm. What this person has done to his ex-wife of many years, Patricia Lee, and to their two young children, B. and M., is terrible and unconscionable and you should right away fully investigate this situation and take action.
Very seriously you should be investigating Alan T. Chan for what he has done so terribly and criminally to his former wife and children. His years of outrageous abuse against Patricia of many kinds, including severe, psychological, physical, sexual, verbal, and financial, must be brought to an end and atoned for right away. Among other things there is information about Alan T. Chan that will be in an upcoming documentary and book and articles:
He hid an extensive family history of serious psychiatric problems, psychopathic abuse, and neglect. He is a crafty and dangerous criminal mastermind, having wiggled himself out of a financial fraud scheme he himself helped orchestrate, while his former boss was fined $38 million. He led a parasitic and grossly deceptive lifestyle, pleading poverty to extract money from his in-laws, while he stashed away most of his income. His mother and his sibling had debilitating disorders of psychosis. He himself has been diagnosed with psychopathy, which is the most dangerous and deceptive disorder known to psychiatry.
He was on a restraining order for almost crushing the skull of his 7-year-old son and nearly killing his daughter as an infant, shortly before secretly manipulating a corrupted family court to forcibly take the children from their loving mother, whom so many have attested to being “the best mother,” and get for himself full custody never allowing their mother to talk or see the children at all for the past two years. He was an absentee father having numerous secret affairs throughout the marriage and having his children violently kidnapped in order to force them to not be able to speak up, so that he could try to seize the house from his ex-wife who has lived there for more than 10 years, avoid paying any alimony, and manipulate the legal system to in effect extort child support from the mother who herself years ago stopped her high-level professional work with the Governor of New York in order to raise the children.
What Alan T. Chan has done is quite similar to what a person who has recently been in the national news, Allan Kassenoff, did that resulted in very bad problems for his law firm, Greenberg Traurig, which then had to dismiss him and try to redeem itself. He in effect repeatedly psychologically tortured and drove to suicide his ex-wife and greatly irreversibly harmed his children. What he did resulted in his law firm being forced to admit it was complicitous, to suspend and then fire him, and with such guilt to set up a trust fund to help the badly harmed children.
Enclosed are articles and writings from the New York Post, Ms. Magazine, and Patricia’s sister Dr. Bandy Lee, one of our country’s most distinguished and leading M.D. psychiatrists. You will not be able to say you did not know. These articles provide you the information you need to take swift actions to rectify the despicable and dangerous situation that Alan T. Chan has caused to his ex-wife, who now has serious medical issues as a result, and his children, who have already suffered so much they have been severely traumatized, have very serious developmental and school problems, have threatened suicide, and even attempted to burn down the house.
Please make sure to read everything in full, so you will know the full extent of this situation that needs to be rectified immediately. By having Alan Chan in your firm and paying him such sums as you do, your firm is complicitous making possible the terrible things he has done with the money and assistance provided by you. Your Alan is very much like this other Allan! If you did not know about this before you certainly do now. Just as the law firm realized it was complicitous and took action your firm should be doing that now. Unless Alan Chan immediately ceases what he is doing there will be serious public and legal actions and your firm will be implicated and impacted.
You need to act now! This is going to be vigorously and publicly pursued if you do not.
Friend of Patricia Lee
Enclosed articles: