My Affidavit against Jane Gallina-Mecca

Bandy X. Lee
1 min readJun 7, 2024


A Judge the Advisory Committee on Judicial Conduct will Not Investigate, despite Numerous Violations, Multiple Murders, and Evidence of Incompetence, Outlined under Oath Below

[I apologize for taking down this article, as I know it was instantly one of the most widely read, but it is for my safety. The referenced Judge has a track record of incarcerating and causing the “natural” demise of those who oppose her. She has already tried and failed to report me as a “terrorist” when I intervened to save my sister’s life as a medical doctor, ordered my articles “unpublished” and failed, wiretapped my phone to no avail, and arrested me on secret orders that another court stated were “obviously overblown” and immediately dropped — which is what happens when judicial authority is granted to those who are criminally-minded or unfit to handle it. My life continues to be in danger as I try to hold this Judge accountable for her illegal, unconstitutional, and human rights-violating activities, but in the meantime, if anything happens to me, there is one and only one source — along with her “foot soldier” Evelyn Nissirios.]



Bandy X. Lee

Forensic psychiatrist, violence expert, president of the World Mental Health Coalition (, and New York Times bestselling author.