My Proposal to a Family Court Judge, Jane Gallina-Mecca

Bandy X. Lee
7 min readJul 27, 2024


Life is Cheap in Family Court. But will Family Court Itself Survive Exposure? My Proposal Letter Asks this Question

Honorable Judge Gallina-Mecca:

I am writing to you because your “guardian ad litem” [henceforth GAL, who will remain unnamed for now], for the second time, nearly killed my sister. Fortunately the emergency room tested her for a heart attack and a stroke and found her to be negative, but this is unacceptable. Just as you cannot ignore your favored litigant, Alan T. Chan, owing me almost $850,000.00 (eight hundred fifty thousand dollars), you cannot turn a blind eye to GAL co-conspiring with Alan T. Chan to try to murder his wife and my sister, Patricia Lee. You have chosen this as your jurisdiction, and you are responsible.

GAL has tried multiple times to harm Patricia Lee physically — in addition to raiding her in the most violent fashion possible to rip her crying, screaming, and clinging children away from her. GAL is now under criminal charges for her first life-threatening assault.

Now that I have finally, at long last, heard everything from my sister — because of GAL’s frivolous and absurd “protective order” against her — I can see why you, in a naked effort to undermine and sabotage Patricia Lee’s defense, have denied my critically-needed testimony against Alan T. Chan and prohibited my sister from discussing anything with me about her case.

Unheard of in American jurisprudence, you barred a defendant from choosing her own support for three years — as you systematically isolated, bullied, and tried to break her psychologically, including by not allowing her to see her children for even one minute or to talk to them over the phone for three years. You have also allowed your favored litigant, in collusion with GAL, to co-conspire to cause his wife’s “medical” demise.

You took a system entrusted to you by the Constitution and governed by the Laws of New Jersey — and violated that system to commit unconscionable acts against vulnerable children and their innocent mother.

When this case started almost four years ago, Alan T. Chan, who suddenly decided he needed to take possession of his children for financial advantage in his divorce, had a restraining order against him for causing serious bodily injury to both of Patricia Lee’s children.

Now, my sister and I are facing Family Court Judge Michael Antoniewicz — under your direction as chief judge of Bergen County Family Court — who granted a bogus, fabricated, trumped-up temporary protective order for GAL, for “harassment” and “stalking”, when my sister’s last contact with GAL was by email almost a year ago, in relation to her own litigation. He made his intentions clear when my sister, truly afraid for her life, tried to file for a protective order against GAL — and he denied it without a hearing. His indefensible decisions can only be to stop me and my sister from telling the truth about the egregious violations of human rights and public trust of this Court.

This is because, once the Court of Public Opinion hears what you have done, in giving full custody of my sister’s children to their abusive father — against their desperate pleas — the public will plainly see for itself that you have condemned two children to a life of unspeakable suffering, as well as physical and mental trauma from which they may never recover.

Everyone who has seen photos of my sister’s children has commented that they look like they have been interned in a concentration camp. They were of average height and weight when they were living with their mother — and since you gave full, sole custody to Alan T. Chan, three years ago, they stopped growing. Both are now the shortest students in their respective classes, still fitting into the same clothes they were taken in, because their father is too stingy to buy them new clothes, let alone feed them.

My sister has submitted to you reams and reams of evidence from psychiatrists as well as from many other sources that overwhelmingly and convincingly prove that Alan T. Chan is not only unfit to parent, but is also likely to be physically violent and mentally abusive. Your decision to give full custody of Patricia Lee’s children to Alan T. Chan is based on the recommendations of GAL who is documented to have lied to this Court over three hundred fifty times — and, as is coming to light, has perjured herself over two hundred times in this case alone. These are serious, felony crimes.

GAL’s relentless three-year campaign was to advance the false narrative that Patricia Lee was not mentally fit — despite ten highly-qualified mental health experts stating the opposite. The purpose of the false narrative, of course, was for GAL and yourself to justify auctioning off her children to the highest bidder: Alan T. Chan.

You defined my sister as “contumacious”, which means “disobedient”. Is it “disobedient” for a devoted mother to fight for the return of her children, against this Court’s defiance and desecration of the U.S. Constitution and all logic, rationality, human decency, and natural law — to condemn two children to a fate worse than death? You have unwaveringly, without exception over the past four years, granted absolutely everything Alan T. Chan asked of you, and at the same time consistently denied every reasonable request Patricia Lee made to this Court.

Also, in coordination with GAL, you suppressed all incriminating evidence against Alan T. Chan and denied the testimony of ten psychiatrists and psychologists who deemed my sister to be mentally fit and stable, with “excellent mental health” and “exceptional talent in parenting” — after interviewing numerous friends and parents who know her — a job GAL never performed. And when GAL could not find a single compromised psychiatrist who would fraudulently declare Patricia Lee to be unfit, she lied that my sister refused a psychiatric evaluation, falsely placing her in “default”.

It is obvious to anyone who knows Patricia Lee that she is an exemplary, devoted, nurturing, and loving mother, which is why they nicknamed her “the best mom” — lauded by all the mothers and teachers in the neighborhood — prior to the unconstitutional abduction of her children without cause or due process. Shame on this court!

This court turned a blind eye to the pathetic reality that Alan T. Chan had to recruit his 87-year-old, hepatitis-infected father to care for the children and to act as a surrogate mother and father — because Alan T. Chan is constitutionally incapable of doing so. And yet, despite his being an unfit parent in every conceivable way, you will be granting him full custody of Patricia Lee’s children. Do you truly believe that your decision will not shock the conscience of any reasonable person outside the fantasy world of this court?

You were entrusted with the sacred responsibility to protect innocent children. Instead, for reasons too scandalous and hideous to mention, you decided to sell them to their abusive father….

Your sorry attempt to continue hiding the abuses of your court by “sealing” the proceedings of the case against Patricia Lee, who has not been permitted to see motions or transcripts in her own case — yet another example of your abuse of authority — and the extreme unconstitutional isolation in which you have intentionally placed her for the last three years, will be explosive for the world to discover….

[My proposal to Jane Gallina-Mecca remains private for now. Gallina-Mecca is representative of the so-called “Family Courts” in this country, which view victims of domestic violence and child abuse as “opportunities” for predatory plunder. It is the largest child trafficking business in the country, sending 60,000 children per year to their torture, rape, battery, and murder. They are the main supply source for pedophilic sex rings and child pornography production. In order to attract perpetrators of abuse, they promise them custody of their victims, as well as rich financial rewards. Judges and guardians ad litem then “fix” the cases through their own criminal activity, which they conceal under “court seals.” The practice has become so lucrative, there are hardly exceptions: almost no victim child goes to the right parent, at least in my experience as an expert witness — for that would be a loss to the 50- to 175-billion-dollar industry! Nearly a thousand children have been murdered through this arrangement, and mothers are dying at alarming rates, just as my sister almost died recently from GAL’s harassment — through a Family Court-issued “protective order,” of which she, an actual victim, was denied. Those who enter a Family Court and feel as if they are now in the grips of a Mexican cartel should know that they are neither alone nor unique — only, they may be warned that Family Courts are actually more brutal, carrying the title of “Courts”, being government-subsidized, and weaponizing “the Law” without limit. The reason “Family Courts” are terrified of exposure is because they are not real courts — and their whole criminal enterprise would crumble if the world only knew the truth of their atrocities.]

… You will not be a Family Court judge forever. One day you will retire, and you will reflect every day of your retirement on what you have accomplished during your life. You will have the chance to reminisce on one of two things: You will either see the horrified faces of hundreds of children you have condemned to a life of unspeakable suffering and a fate worse than death. Or you will … see the happy, joyful, smiling faces of children in which you honored your sacred duty to protect and provide the safest environment for innocent and vulnerable children.

The choice is yours….

Yours truly,

Bandy X. Lee, M.D., M.Div.



Bandy X. Lee

Forensic psychiatrist, violence expert, president of the World Mental Health Coalition (, and New York Times bestselling author.