New Amended Federal Lawsuit against Jane Gallina-Mecca, Evelyn Nissirios, and Michael Piacenza

Bandy X. Lee
8 min readJul 7, 2024


My Sister Joins My Complaint against State Actors who Destroyed Her Family, Just to Coddle One Sick Man

The federal judge in my case gave me leave to amend my lawsuit, and thus I took the opportunity to add Michael Piacenza as defendant and my sister as plaintiff. It now begins:

This is a civil rights action against employees of the state … who conspired to deprive a mother, in violation of her right to the procedures of a fair trial, of custody and of access to her two minor children for the “crime” of trying to pursue justice for them. In the process, the defendants illegally: conspired to have the mother’s sister, a qualified psychiatrist, arrested in order to prevent her from investigating reports of the children’s deteriorating health; conspired to have the mother herself arrested on false charges; threatened the mother‘s sister with prosecution in the hope of deterring her from further investigation; deprived the mother, a self-represented litigant, access to the transcripts of her own state court action, thus preventing her from adequately defending herself; and barred her and her sister from publishing any comments about her case in violation of their rights to free speech.

I will not say more about an active lawsuit in progress. However, what I have learned about Family Courts more generally through my investigations I must write about as a scholar of violence. Family Courts are a violent and destructive, mafia-like enterprise committing the greatest human rights violations on U.S. soil, through extreme abuses of unwarranted, vastly-expanded judicial authority. Human rights authors have been warning against them for years if not decades, and finally last year the United Nations Human Rights Council issued a damning report.

Yet, Family Court abuses are not widely known. I noted before that enclaves of medieval barbarity exist even in civilized society, such as behind the concrete walls of jails and prisons. Gladiator fights, gang rapes, and serial murders happen regularly in prisons, because it is known that there will be no consequences; prisoners, who have no real voice, are fair game for unspeakable brutalities, sometimes far worse than anything they committed. What has been most shocking for me to discover — in my lifetime of studying violence — is that even worse than what is occurring in prisons is happening to another group without a voice: children. An even more depraved world of savagery exists behind the self-imposed “court seals” and secrecy of the so-called, “Family Courts.” And these innocent children committed no crime.

This is how it usually works: an overwhelming majority of women and children presenting to Family Court are victims of domestic abuse. They never imagine that the abuse will escalate a thousandfold upon entry into Family Court, because they believe it is an actual “court”. By the time they recognize the reality, that they would suffer the greatest injustices ever to befall them in these “courts”, they have already been demolished — so that they could never be witnesses against their violators. In any criminal court, an abuser’s lack of remorse would be punished, and his delusion (common in criminal psychology) that his accusers have “mental problems” or are “alienating” the children from him would be nipped in the bud. In Family Court, however, this abuser pathology is precisely what is coddled and nurtured so that children can be turned into “fair game.” Child theft, a crime warranting the death penalty in some states, is routine practice in Family Court, since stealing children from the loving parent and “selling” them to the abuser is a lucrative, 50+ billion-dollar business of human trafficking and a modern-day slave trade. Whenever objections are raised, Family Courts can hide behind the narrative that it was merely a “contentious divorce” and those who complain are merely “unhappy litigants.” With one in four children subject to severe physical abuse, and one in five to sexual abuse — and over one million of them being processed through the Family Courts every year, pedophilic sex trafficking gangs operate along the lengths of the East and West Coasts (and I recently heard in the Midwest, also), waiting for Family Court-generated fodder.

I clarify that I have not verified the pedophilic gangs myself, but insiders almost universally know about them: “a trafficking ring known as ‘the barber shops,’ a group that populates the corridor of I-95 across the country,” for example. What I have directly witnessed, however, is that Family Courts sent 100 percent of abused children to their abuser in the forty or so cases I have engaged in as an expert witness. About half of them, in my experience, are trafficked to others for sexual abuse, photographed, and videotaped, and there is no age limit: four-year-olds, two-year-olds, and even infants. It happens in broad knowledge of the Family Courts, since the loving parents continue to bring evidence — enough for immediate conviction in any criminal court — petitions, and pleas to the Courts, for which only they, and never the perpetrators, are punished. The abuser may rape, batter, and even murder the children they are granted custody of, but even after children die, there are no consequences in Family Court (instead, supervision, fines, and imprisonment are only applied to the loving, innocent parent). Indeed, studies are beginning to show that Family Courts commonly facilitate the murders of former partners or of children — this is almost never reported on, because of threats against reporters and even possible death.

My sister’s own distorted divorce apprised me of this warped situation of the Family Courts. At first, she seemed to be undergoing a normal divorce, with her philandering and substance-abusing husband deciding to leave, so that he could live with his girlfriend, since she was “no longer praising me enough.” Then, all of a sudden, he wanted custody of the children he never cared enough to spend five minutes with before (this is common, as the predatory Family Courts spot abusive personalities instantly and entice them into taking the children as their “ticket” to financial windfalls through “child support,” all marital assets, the house, and legal fees — and indeed my brother-in-law has demanded six-figure “child support,” no alimony for his wife, the house, and all his legal fees, despite making a million dollars a year). Sadistic personalities discover that, through Family Court, they can torture, imprison, and maybe even murder their ex-spouse with impunity — and indeed my brother-in-law attempted to “medically” murder my sister six times, three times in collusion with the Family Court. He also nearly killed his son by head injury, the way he did his daughter when she was an infant, and was on a restraining order just before the court negated it and gave him sole custody. He has been duly diagnosed of psychopathy, which is a contraindication to parenting, but in Family Court this is all the more “qualification” to have the children!

In this manner, a domestic violence victim who enters Family Court ceases to have any Constitutional rights, any freedom, any right over her children, or any right over her past, current, and future earnings. Evelyn Nissirios, the “children’s guardian ad litem” is in place to ensure that the sale of children occurs “smoothly” for the Court (for the children, it is the most abrupt and brutally traumatic transfer imaginable, by police raid). The “judge”, Jane Gallina-Mecca, is there to force “appointed officers” on litigants and then to order their payment, liquidating assets at the rate of hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of dollars. And to intimidate witnesses, they recruit school “principals” such as Michael Piacenza, who entrapped and then falsely arrested two physicians trying to report child abuse (the abusive father was caught on camera orchestrating the entire arrest behind the scenes at the school, during a mandatory Family Court conference from which the father, but not the mother, was excused), and on another occasion falsely arrested the mother for doing routine volunteer work, without telling her that she was not permitted to do what she had been doing the previous five years, either when he greeted her in the hallway or when he complimented her for her service (he was caught on camera lying to the police that there was a “second court order,” when there was not, upon the officer refusing to arrest her based on what he had). However, their plans backfired, when their trumped-up charges against us were dropped, but Nissirios and my brother-in-law ended up with criminal charges instead. The three defendants probably also thought my sister would be easy to railroad, based on their stereotypic notion of a “submissive Asian wife.” Nevertheless, the collusions are endless, as the Division of Child Protection and Permanency and the Child Abuse Hotline are constantly tampered with, which is why Family Courts are referred to as organized crime, or a Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) scheme. Below are my latest correspondences with the court:

July 1, 2024

Judge Gallina-Mecca:

This is an eighth [communication] you are receiving, as a result of your refusal to hold Alan T. Chan accountable in his intent to commit a financial heist by fraud upon the court. I request again: please do your job, and enforce accountability. Your task as judge is not to co-conspire in child abduction and abuse, not to co-conspire in financial theft and fraud, and not to assist in a violent spouse’s attempted murder as his hired hand, but to administer the Law.

Sincerely yours,

Bandy X. Lee, M.D., M.Div.

In response, I received the repetitive and mechanical answer that I am “not a party to this matter.” What is noteworthy is that the response came from the judge’s administrative assistant, and my last several messages bounced back from her clerk, indicating that the clerk has been missing for over two months, until the end of her term. An automatic message states simply that she is “out of the office” and does not state why she would be out for this length of time, to the end of her clerkship. This clerk came across to me earlier as exceptionally conscientious and intelligent, and therefore I very much wonder if she has joined the many compassionate lawyers and judges who enter Family Court and then are ousted, pressured to leave, or quit their professions altogether, so horrified are they by what they have seen. I have written one last note to the administrative assistant, as below (what will seem very obviously wrong to the average reasonable person, is what is “right” in the upside-down “Family Court”):

Ms. Castro:

I am indeed not a litigant, as Ms. Gallina-Mecca seems mistakenly to believe. I am a fact witness whom she has:

- illegally blocked, intimidated, harassed, and arrested by secret order;

- violated the professional rights and privileges of, so that I could not fulfill my medical duties;

- intervened with every agency in every way possible, so that I could not report child abuse;

- violated the First Amendment rights of, by abridging my freedom of speech, interfering with the press, and prohibiting my right peaceably to assemble with my own sister.

[Ms. Gallina-Mecca is the one who] forced me to become a party of her case, in order to exert control over me. Does she really believe there will be no consequences?

It has been seven weeks since the trial. We are waiting for her final order with bated breath.

Thank you very much,

Bandy X. Lee, M.D., M.Div.

*Victims of Jane Gallina-Mecca are mobilizing with a petition calling for her impeachment — and are approaching 500 signatures in little more than two weeks! If you care about saving the lives of children and adult victims in a Family Court, please sign here. Thank you!



Bandy X. Lee

Forensic psychiatrist, violence expert, president of the World Mental Health Coalition (, and New York Times bestselling author.