Member-only story
We Spoke Up Courageously When It Really Mattered!
Unlike Bob Woodward, I and my colleagues didn’t need twenty interviews with Donald Trump to know he was a unique danger to America and to the world. We realized right away that it was our professional obligation to warn the public about him. We wrote a major book about him in 2017, held a major conference at the National Press Club in 2019, made many media appearances, and began our “Prescriptions for Survival,” loudly denouncing Trump’s Pandemic policies the very first month of the pandemic in March 2020. Right away, we called for alternative policies that would have saved hundreds of thousands of lives and urged implementation of the Twenty-Fifth Amendment or equivalent restraint.
I and my colleagues did not do these things for personal gain. In fact, we donated all the proceeds from our unexpected bestselling book to the public good. We did not hold onto important information so that we could enrich ourselves with money and fame in future years. Rather, when we saw danger, we immediately tried to inform the leaders of our country and the public at considerable personal and professional risk. Woodward now admits he too saw great danger with Donald Trump in the White House, but only nearly two years after Trump’s departure and when Trump is about to be indicted for multiple crimes, does Woodward come forward to profit personally from his Trump interview tapes. He acted as those insiders who waited until they were safely out of their offices to write books and to make millions, rather than speak up when it mattered — only, he…